Home My Family A Little COVID-19, a Herringbone Idea

A Little COVID-19, a Herringbone Idea

by Meriah
Master Bedroom - before

Whew! It’s been a week! I NEED to tell you about my idea for my upcoming master bedroom accent wall, but first our COVID-19 experience! My 2-year-old son, Miles, was exposed at school to COVID-19 so he needed to test negative to return. Well, to our surprise he tested positive … so I quickly grabbed Harper and Sawyer from their schools and back to quarantine we went! I went ahead and tested Harper so the school would know whether or not kids in her class would need to be sent home for quarantine. Luckily, she was negative!

Our COVID-19 bout … again!

The day Miles diagnosed his oxygen was at 93, which also took us by a bit of surprise. He was congested, but that’s all it seemed. He was running around feeling just fine. I was just starting a cough and Sawyer, our 10-month-old, was starting with one too. As the week progressed, the kids were just fine. Some coughing but otherwise acting completely normal and full of energy.

Miles day of COVID-19 diagnosis

Luckily, I had just ordered a jump-o-lene for the kids and it arrived on our day 1 of quarantine. Talk about good timing! It’s kept the older two very occupied and Sawyer likes to sit in it, too!

Rough weekend!

Come the weekend, Ben and I started feeling a bit rough. Mostly just sinus pressure and difficulty clearing the nasal passages for breathing, but overall, not too bad. We are now days away from being out of quarantine and feel pretty good. Really just need the cough to go away!

Did I mention this is our second bout with COVID-19? Yep, Miles was exposed in July 2020 and tested positive then as well. We all didn’t seem to have symptoms, so the first go-around wasn’t anything for us … and thankfully too, as Sawyer was only 2 months old at the time!

The herringbone idea

Anyway, with the time in quarantine I have decided my master bedroom needs an awesome focal wall! Doesn’t it look quite BORING?!

I’m still in love with the color scheme and the buffalo check bedding, but I need something awesome on the wall behind the bed. I could do shiplap, which looks amazing but I want something a bit more unique. A nice wallpaper would work as well, but not quite what I’m feeling. And not really into faux brick for this space either.

After racking my brain, I had a herring bone idea. What if I did a herringbone accent wall? Maybe with thin plywood and then painted white or white-washed? Or possibly an accent color? Still trying to fully decide on colors, but the herring bone pattern seems like a fun challenge!

Must be cost effective

I want it to be cost effective, yet stand out. I will also be freshening up the room with paint and some décor…cause, why not? As of now, I’m leaning toward a gray or Sea Salt from Sherwin Williams for the walls. I’ve done Sea Salt before and it’s an awesome chameleon color. It would work with the aqua-teal I have going on.

I plan to start the project soon and reveal the finished project on my blog around mid-April or so. I really, really, really can’t wait to get started! Definitely need to up my design game in the Master bedroom with a herringbone accent wall!


What are your thoughts on a herringbone accent wall for my master bedroom? Let me know in the comments below! And subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss this reveal!

Be blessed!

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Danielle March 24, 2021 - 7:55 PM

Oh my goodness, I haven’t heard of a child that young being symptomatic. I hope you are all on the mend! The herringbone wall would look great in your bedroom!

Meriah March 25, 2021 - 8:31 AM

Being his second time, maybe he got symptoms this time? He was just fine! All feeling 100% now and ready to start my master bedroom project this weekend!

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