Home Featured Dreamy Girl Bedroom Design in Gold and Pink

Dreamy Girl Bedroom Design in Gold and Pink

by Meriah
Girl Bedroom Design After

Dreamy room for a Dreamy Girl!

It’s finally here, my first official Mommy Project Guru blog post! I just recently finished my daughter Harper’s room and am UBER excited to share it with you! The possibilities are endless when selecting a girl bedroom design. My daughter was ready to turn her boring, plain, blah room into a pretty, dreamy little girl’s room… and I wanted a design that would easily grow with her!

Harper’s Room – Before

Process behind the girl bedroom design

So, I asked Harper, who is four years old, what she wanted for her bedroom and her reply was, “my favorite color is gold”. That’s about all I got out of her, so I ran with it. I really didn’t want to paint the walls gold, as you don’t really get the true gold color … and it would be “too much”. After thinking and searching around the world wide web for ideas, I landed on wallpaper to bring out some cute gold on her walls. The one I found was just perfect, with little gold hearts on a white background. I was on a roll and knew Harper would be ecstatic!

Not wanting to do the entire room, or an entire wall (let’s face it, I was new to hanging wallpaper and it can get spendy if you do a full room) in wallpaper, so I decided to do only the top portion of the wall with the bottom portion painted in the same color as the trip. The other three walls in the would be perfect in a light pink!

Paint first, then wallpaper

First, I painted the three walls in Charming Pink from Sherwin Williams. I made sure to paint slightly over the corners of the wall that will get the wallpaper treatment in case the wallpaper didn’t match up perfectly. I was glad I did! This little girl bedroom design was shaping up nicely!

Up next was my first try with peel and stick wallpaper … which I love, by the way! You can read all about my love here.

First, make sure to purchase an exacto knife and smoothing tool along with your selected wallpaper. These tools are critical to installing the wallpaper! Start at the top left and place the wallpaper slightly higher than the top of the wall (you will trim that later). It helps to use a level and draw a line on the right to make sure you are staying straight as you roll down. Roll down slowly and smooth with the smoothing tool as you go. If you are seeing a lot of air bubbles, pull up the wallpaper a bit and relay as you go, it’s OK! Just get the bubbles out as you go down.

What’s more, after the first couple strips, you’ll definitely get the hang of it. Starting your second strip strip, line up the pattern and roll and smooth as you go. When you get to the far-right wall, feel free to pre-trim it a bit if there’s a wide section to cut off. Just don’t trim too much!

Lastly, once you lay all the wallpaper, go across and use your exacto knife to trim the overage, then smooth down the edges after. You’ll be amazed how something as simple as wallpaper transforms your room!

Smooth transition from wallpaper to wall…

Next, after laying the wallpaper, we measured (twice!), cut and placed the piece of wood under the wallpaper. This serves as a break from the wallpaper on the wall and looks pretty cool! I primed and painted it first, then put some construction adhesive on the back side and placed on the wall. Painters tape was added every 6-8 inches to help hold it up till shot in a few nails with the nail gun.

After placing the wood piece, I filled the nail holes with DryDex. I let that dry then sanded and painted the whole wall Sherwin Williams pure white, which matched the trim around the room.

Lastly, I edged the top, sides and bottom of the wood piece with paintable caulk. Once that dried, I did one more coat of Pure White from Sherwin Williams paint over the caulked areas. The focal part of the room was done in this girl bedroom design!

Next up, décor!

I reused her large Letter H that I had gotten from Hobby Lobby several years ago and found some cute 8X10 art on Amazon. Gold frames would be perfect for the them! I had some other gold décor I purchased from a recent model home auction and added it to the walls as well. To change it up, I rearranged how her bunk beds were in the room, placed the rest of the furniture pieces to maximize floor space and her room was done … all in about 8 hours!

Don’t you just love how dreamy and sophisticated Harper’s room turned out. She’ll easily be able to grow with it over the years. Not to mention, Harper also gave me her stamp of approval. A win for mom and this little girl bedroom design!

Tool and Supplies

Common tools:


PIN for later
Dreamy Girl room pin

Is there a girl’s bedroom in your house you want to redo? Let me know in the comments below!

Be blessed!

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